Learn what new state housing laws mean for Piedmont

A controversial housing project on Wistaria Way has recently focused attention on state housing law SB 9 — a relatively new law that allows owners of properties with single-family homes anywhere in the state to sell or split off part of their lot, and permits each lot to include up to two units, including duplexes.

New state housing laws like SB 9 — and SB35 and the Housing Accountability Act — have constrained local decision-making authority for some housing developments, changing how the city is allowed to process, review, and notice certain applications.

City officials will host a primer on these state law changes and what they mean for Piedmont on Monday, Aug. 5 at 6 p.m. at 801 Magnolia Avenue.

The city says this will be brief presentation followed by Q&A. The presentation will cover what the new laws require, what types of projects are covered, what is “ministerial review”, and how residents can stay informed. (More details to come.)

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