Name: Thora, after Thorin Oakenshield from the Hobbit (the movie came out shortly before we got her).
Members of Family: Elise Marks, Jeff Peterson, and Noah Marks-Peterson
Age: 11 years old
Breed: Her siblings are tabbies (friends of ours adopted them), and Thora’s black with green eyes. In the sunshine, you can see very subtle stripes of deeper black in her fur.

Adoption story: Her feral mother gave birth somewhere near our neighbor’s back yard. The mother disappeared, sadly, when the kittens were barely weaned. Thora was the one brave enough to walk up to my neighbor’s asking to be fed. She’s been on a quest to be fed ever since.
Favorite napping spot: Under the covers with my son, under the rose bushes in our garden, or halfway on my lap (just her chest and head); she likes to be right near people, but not restrained in any way.
Favorite toy: Our dog (who would like to cuddle with her most of the day, but Thora rarely allows that), or the occasional mouse she catches outside and brings into the house alive, and then releases so we can all play (ugh).

Interesting facts: She’s a silhouette artist — black cats are good at that — she knows she looks great backlit, and loves to pose on windowsills with sheer curtains so she looks especially elegant.
Anything else: She never developed a grown-up meow. She still makes high-pitched meeping sounds like a tiny kitten. She gets more food that way because I can’t resist it. It’s adorable and annoying all at once.
Very sweet story!