Candidate nomination period for November election is now open

There are two seats on City Council and three on the Board of Education in play; nomination documents need to be filed by August 9.

Residents interested in running for City Council or PUSD Board of Education can pick up nomination documents with the City Clerk by appointment starting Monday, July 15.

On November 5, Piedmont voters will elect candidates to fill two seats on the City Council and three on Board of Education. Councilmember Conna McCarthy and Board of Education members Hilary Cooper and Veronica Anderson Thigpen are eligible to run for a second term, while Mayor Jen Cavenaugh and Board of Education member Cory Smegal are termed out.

Make an appointment to get started
The nomination process can be complicated and filing deadlines are strict, so interested residents should get started as soon as possible.

If you’re interested in running:

  1. Make an appointment to get your candidate documents: Contact the City Clerk’s office
    at (510) 420-3040 or to schedule your appointment. At your
    appointment, the City Clerk will walk you through the nomination process, reviewing
    documents, deadlines, and rules. Plan to spend 30-60 minutes.
  2. Review the basics of the process online: Prepare for your appointment by reviewing
    information about running for office on the City website. This will give you an idea of
    what to expect and an opportunity to identify questions you want to ask during your
  3. File your nomination documents by August 9. Nomination documents must be filed in
    person at the City Clerk’s office. It’s a good idea to file documents early so you have
    time to correct any issues.

A list of people who have pulled or filed nomination papers will be available HERE.

City Council and Board of Education are volunteer positions. Find more information about the November 2024 election or running for office, visit

Contact City Clerk Anna Brown at (510) 420-3040 with questions.

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