Charlie is a Siberian Husky/German Shepherd mix with useful jumping skills.
Name: Charlie
Members of Family: Ranna and David Zendon, and her dog sister Chloe
Age: 1 year and 8-ish months
Breed: A mix of Siberian Husky and German Shepherd, and some small percentages of other breeds.
Adoption Story: Her older sister Chloe seemed a little lonely, so we started looking at the SPCA website. The second time we opened the website, we saw Charlie, whose name was “Moon” at the time. She was at the Dublin SPCA, and we drove there the next morning. We got there a minute after they opened, and adopted her in the next 15 minutes.
Charlie (left) with best pal Chloe Charlie with Ranna
Likes: She loves her sister Chloe. She loves sunbathing in our doorway where remains close enough to us, but still in the sun. She adores squeaky balls and licking everyone’s face.
Dislikes: She doesn’t like tomatoes or any of the vegetables that Chloe eats. She hates getting her nails clipped, but recently she’s been biting her own nails, which takes away the need for nail clippers.
Interesting facts: Whenever we get home she will bring us a toy or a bone and croon at us, which is super cute. She can also jump really high; we’ve even tried to teach her how to jump and get an apple from our apple tree.
Anything else: Charlie and her sister are the best of friends and so sweet together. They are both just the best dogs ever, and we love them so much.