This summer-time rescue can be found checking out the pickleball scene.
Name: Auggie. Since we adopted him in the month of August, we thought the name was both cute and fitting.
Members of Family: Lisa Fuller and Sonja Ten Grotenhuis
Age: About 6
Breed: We did a DNA test a few years ago and found out that he is a mix of just about everything. He’s a mix of Border Collie, Lab, Great Pyrenees, German Shorthaired Pointer, and Pointer. The test also said he was 12% Supermutt, which just means he has a small percentage of DNA of a bunch of other breeds.
Auggie with Sonja
Adoption Story: Daughter Sonja encountered Auggie while working at “Farm Camp” in Oakland. The man who ran the camp had several dogs—including Auggie—from the Milo Foundation looking for homes. Our previous dog had recently died and we still felt like we were missing something, so when Sonja fell in love with Auggie, we adopted him immediately.
Likes: He is very food motivated—he’ll eat anything (even tissues). He also loves watching me play pickleball. He has a lot of friends at the courts who give him attention, so he loves coming.
Dislikes: He doesn’t like slippery surfaces. He’s easily scared, so he dislikes loud noises too.
Interesting facts: He doesn’t have a hip joint—we had it taken out because it was broken off his femur. Because of his disability, he can’t walk up the stairs, and he is very cautious everywhere he goes. We’re not sure what happened, but we think he was hit by a car while he was in Modesto as a puppy.
Anything else: He’s just a goofy guy. We love him so much.