Who’s that Good Dog?

Alessandra with Frieda

Name: Frieda Velasquez

Members of Family: Alessandra Velasquez

Age: 9

Breed: Greyhound mixed with Borzoi

Adoption Story: My mom is in charge of the Greyhound rescue in Lubbock, Texas. Frieda was adopted once before, but my mom always said that if the adopters ever decided that they didn’t want her anymore that we would take her.

When my mom found out that the adopters had dropped her off at an animal shelter, my sister’s friend went and picked her up. She came to our house and I decided that she would move to California with me — she’s just a California girl.

We named her after Frida Kahlo because of her big, bushy eyebrows. 

Likes: She loves being with people, and loves her Lamb Chop toys.

Dislikes: The only thing she doesn’t like is bananas.

Interesting facts: I go to occupational therapy school, and I take her with me sometimes. She is the best student — she just sits there and during break, she’ll run up and meet people. Everyone always says that she can see into peoples’ souls. She’s truly a human trapped in a dog’s body.

Fun Anecdotes: Right before I moved here, there was a snake in the backyard of my mom’s house. We tried to get my mom’s Irish Wolfhound to catch the snake, but she ran away. Frieda decided that she wanted to try and get the snake, and ran around like crazy looking for the snake. (She never did catch it.)

Anything else: I just love her so much, I can’t even explain it. She’s the best.

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