Piedmont Community Church youth pastor to retire

Scott Kail, left, with parent volunteers at the end of a Mexico trip work day in 2024.

Piedmont Community Church’s Senior Pastor Steve Schibsted and youth pastor Scott Kail jointly announced Kail’s retirement in an email to the church community on Friday afternoon. Kail has served the Piedmont community for more than 20 years, and many families know him as the leader of the annual Mexico Mission trip that hundreds of Piedmont students and parent volunteers have participated in over the years.

The letter said more details regarding next steps for the student ministry will be shared next week.

Kail’s announcement:

Dear members of Piedmont Community Church, 

I have thoroughly loved serving this church for 21 years and call many of you my closest friends.  It is with mixed emotions that I announce I am retiring from Ministry after a cumulative 36 years spanning the country.  The church and I are finalizing my departure plan now.  

Over the past two decades, many of you invited me into your homes, your families, your lives.  We shared times of great joy as well as times of sorrow and grief.  We lived life together and I consider those times true Christian fellowship.  It’s hard for me to put into words how much love I have for the students at PCC and in Piedmont.  My heart overflows. I’ve experienced such overwhelming joy ministering to them in this congregation. It has been a privilege knowing, caring for, encouraging and providing spiritual guidance to them.  You, students, will remain fondly and forever in my heart and I will not cease praying for you.  

I sincerely want to thank those of you who partnered with me as volunteers in the Ministry to Students, in Sunday School, in Rock and Live Wire, on our Mexico trips, on retreats and various other opportunities.  I am so grateful to have served alongside you.  You, too, have a forever place in my heart. 

I look forward to connecting with you in a new way in the future. 

Scott Kail, PCC email to church community on June 7

21 thoughts on “Piedmont Community Church youth pastor to retire

  1. Scott ~ we would be remiss to miss an opportunity to send a heartfelt thank you and a loud public CHEERS to you for all that you have invested into our community. You have been an amazing support to not just the youth of our town, but to every living being you have met. Our family was blessed to meet you through the oft lauded PGC Mexico trip where not just our children, but Mark and I got to attend and feel the joy of service through your grand endeavors. We continued to feel the benefit of your belief in stewardship and supporting others as our mother moved into the area and was treated to the generosity of the broad open arms of our community church. We appreciate you and the sense of humility and greater goodness that you instill without any insistence that people fall into line with your own beliefs. It is a gift to be able to spread spirituality to all walks of religion, and all walks of life. Many Many thanks, Tami and Mark Becker

  2. An end of an era. What is PCC and the Piedmont youth going to do without Rev Scott?
    Like many families with teenagers, we struggled trying to get our kids involved in church services, but our kids seemed to click with the PCC Rock youth program. The youth program Rev Scott developed at PCC was something special and your efforts will forever be appreciated in the Sweeney house. All of our kids have unique memories of PCC, particularly the trips to Mexico. When we gather for the occasional family dinner, they regularly laugh and joke about their PCC Mexican experiences.

    Kimberly & I wish you all the best on the well-deserved happy & healthy retirement. Look forward to seeing you around town.
    Cheers, Charlie Sweeney

  3. The first time I went to Mexico, Day 1 looked just like a circus. A red and white striped Big Top (the kitchen), people unloading endless amounts of gear into mounds of dust, hot & tired kids trying to help but trying harder not to complain, and the freshmen putting on the same brave face I had. To the untrained eye, it was total chaos. Kids struggled to set up their tents & I thought there’s no way we’re going to get 15 homes built. No. Way. And then our town of tents emerged, an amazing dinner was served & I decided to figure this out. Spoiler alert: it was Scott. It was kind of like watching a one man band but within an orchestra. I’m not sure that other than ‘Mom,’ I’ve heard a name called with more frequency & urgency than ‘Scott! We ran out of . . .’ ‘Scott! How do I . . .’ He was everywhere all at once – everyone tugging at him, needing his help – & he not only kept his cool, he was in his element. So that’s how this shebang works. Or so I thought. A few years ago, I took a writing class & realized the full dimension of the Mexico Trip. But that will be part 2 – if I’m allowed to ramble on-?

  4. Katherine and I moved to Piedmont about 28 years ago. We have loved the city and the community where we have raised our three kids. Friends and acquaintances remark on the beauty, but the biggest benefit of Piedmont is the community. We are blessed with so much talent and the culture of sharing those talents for the benefit of all.

    Scott epitomizes this gift. He is a selfless leader that resonates with our teens and their parents. Each of our kids and Katherine and I had an opportunity to serve on the PCC Mexico House Building trip led by Scott and it was a remarkable experience we will always remember. Scott taught us how to give and to think about making an impact and the personal benefits we realize when doing so. He taught us how to prepare for an endeavor and how to deliver a level of proficiency to make a lasting impact. Many of our kids were using tools for their 1st time and then left Mexico with proficiency. They also learned teamwork and pride in their work and giving. It is a challenging time to teach our kids the benefits of faith and a faith-based community. Scott, by example, you have taught them to accept, listen, achieve and most importantly to love our neighbors.

    We will miss him in his current role and pray for his happy, healthy retirement.

    Love, Jerry and Katherine O’Connor & Family

  5. Thank you, Scott, for all you have done for our children and the Piedmont community. We remember when you first arrived here, and how our kids eagerly attended the Live Wire and The Rock programs at PCC during the week with you. We watched you build wonderful relationships with them, attending their sporting events and always making them feel supported. Your leadership on the Mexico home-building trips opened our children’s (and parents) hearts and minds to a bigger world, and your guidance on the Africa mission trip provided us with unforgettable and profound teachings. These memories and experiences have helped shape our kids into who they are today. Thank you for leaving an indelible mark on our community. We have no doubt that your next chapter will be just as fulfilling and impactful. Wishing you all the best always.

  6. Scott, as I’ve said many times during the magical Mexico debrief, it’s so profoundly difficult to create something, and so frustratingly easy to tear it down. What you did year after year to build that trip into a capstone experience for thousands of PHS and Millenium students is a minor miracle for which I’m deeply grateful. The most meaningful interactions with my own kids and their friends I had during their entire PHS experience wasn’t prom or NCS finals or graduation – it was those joyful weeks in Mexico, encrusted in concrete and stuffed with PB&J. Thank you for making that possible and for making it a ton of fun to boot. Cheers to a delightful retirement with lots of golf and plenty of good wine!

  7. I had the chance to interact with Scott on the mission trip to Mexico and was so impressed by his relationship with the students and his genuine caring about making the most positive impact possible on those families in Tijuana. Scott was a really important and positive role model for my sons and has an amazing ability to relate to and support all kinds of young people. I’m grateful to him for all that he did for my family, for Piedmont, and for so many others and he is someone who will be very much missed in this community.

  8. How lucky are we as a family and community to have Scott in our lives!! Scott has been such a pillar in our town and will be leaving such a special legacy behind with the PCC Mexico trip. He truly put so much blood, sweat and tears into building the program over the last few decades that has made it the continued success that it still is today. Personally, Scott inspired us spiritually and we are so proud to call him our friend. His absence will be a huge loss for our town and church. I have no doubt he will continue to bring his “magic” to this exciting new chapter of his life. From the bottom of our hearts we truly thank you Scott and wish you the very best retirement!!

  9. Thank you Scott for the love and community building you have created through your church service and the Mexico home building project. Our boys and Reid and I were lucky to be a part of the Mexico Magic. You created and built a wonderful unplugged place of conversation, connection and service for the Piedmont youth. The Mexico trip was a life experience we are so grateful to have been a part of. Thank you for your time, your stories and your sharing. Piedmont is a better place for your love and spirit.

    Thank you for loving our children. Piedmont is better place thanks to you.
    We wish you well in your future endeavors. Peace,

  10. Scott
    Congratulations on your retirement and well deserved accolades! There is no doubt that it takes a strong, charismatic and compassionate leader to get high school students, parents, and adult volunteers to spend months in preparation and then head to Mexico over Spring Break to work and serve others and that person was you!
    Literally thousands of lives were touched by this service with shared experiences, cultural understanding and appreciation for what is had and what was given.
    I will forever cherish the opportunity to spend time with the awesome youth of our community. Thank you. I look forward to hearing about your next chapter!
    Dianne Roach

  11. Scott,

    Upon learning of your retirement, I reflected on your incredible contributions to our community, countless families, and my family. In the past 21 years, no one has had a more profound and positive impact on students than you. Your work has been life-changing for the youth of Piedmont and the entire community.

    Your tireless dedication to the Mexico project transformed the lives of less fortunate families while teaching Piedmont’s youth invaluable lessons in hard work, leadership, philanthropy, and inclusion. Many students have shared that this trip broke down social barriers that frequently challenge high school students during these formative years.

    Your contributions have left an indelible mark, and we are deeply grateful for that. You will be greatly missed and we wish you luck on your new journey.


  12. Scott,

    It’s hard to measure the impact you’ve had on our kids, our families and our community. Your painstaking and authentic work with thousands of our children and hundreds of us parents had been transformative. Our community wouldn’t be as cohesive, safe and inclusive without your leadership over the last 21 years.

    We know you’re not done making the world a better place and hope you enjoy a much deserved “retirement”.

    Thank you for all you’ve done for us.

    The Ellis Family

  13. thank you scott. you’ve helped enrich and improve the lives of many families throughout piedmont & mexico. each member of my family was lucky enough to go on the housebuilding trip from which we hold memories and relationships that will last a lifetime. your impact is hard to put into words, but know that from your teachings, efforts, and insightful leadership, everyone involved with the mexico trip better appreciates the world around us and what matters most. take care my friend, you will be missed. enjoy what’s next!

  14. Scott
    Thanks for all you have done for our community. Your leadership has help us all, especially the youth in Piedmont. Your tireless energy in organizing and working on the Mexico trip is outstanding. I know the Corvin family still talks of the fun times (and work) of those amazing experiences. I hope that what is ahead for you in your next chapter of life will be as wonderful for you. Much thanks,
    Scott Corvin

  15. Scott: Congratulations on your remarkable career of successfully leading church youth programs! Over the past 21 years, you’ve made an indelible impact on countless young lives, bridging the gap between youth and the church. Your passion for teaching, empathy, and hard work has been inspiring to witness. You’ve navigated challenges with grace, providing our kids with a moral compass and empowering them to make better choices.
    Your dedication extends beyond borders—I’ve seen you lift up families in Mexico and Africa from the depths of poverty, always with a smile and a caring heart. Thank you also for your coaching and contributions to the football program. Working alongside you has been a privilege, and I’m even more grateful to call you a friend.
    As you enter the next phase of your life, may you enjoy the challenges of improving your golf index and perfecting your winemaking skills. Here’s to an exciting retirement!

  16. Scott Kail has led the sons and daughters of the City of Piedmont for over two decades in a deeply meaningful way. He is a worthy role model for all of us. Scott’s efforts for good in our City will not soon be forgotten!

  17. Scott, thank you for everything you have done for the kids of Piedmont. When I think back on my daughter’s high school experience, the Mexico trip was definitely the highlight. They both had life-changing experiences that helped give them a sense of their place in the world and how fortunate they are. The trip and experience were truly spiritual for them, and I believe they helped them connect the idea and concept of religion into a spiritual connection to the people around them.

    This profound growth I saw in my girls would not have happened without you. As a parent volunteer on one of the trips, I saw how hard you worked and how much you sacrificed to give these kids an unbelievable experience.

    I hope you know that you have changed the lives of thousands of kids for the better and helped make them better humans for life. I am sure many of them will go out into the world and do amazing things for our world based on the experience and learnings from those trips to Mexico.

    Thank you for all you did. We will miss you!

  18. Scott, your committed to the youth of this community is unparalleled and will have an everlasting impact. Thousands of our children and young adults and been impacted by your spiritualty, compassion and love, not to mention the thousands of families in Tijuana where your efforts have lifted their lives. Enjoy your retirement!!

  19. Scott- Like so many in this town, I can’t thank you enough for the positive impact you have had on the lives of our young people. You created something spiritual, educational, loving and FUN for thousands of people young and old, and provided some of my favorite memories from our PHS years. A life well lived by any measure. Fondly, Dave Staley

  20. Thanks Scott for all you have done for Piedmont. You have given so much to the youth and families of our town. I will never forget the many testimonials about you I heard from the kids on the Mexico trip. Many credited you with helping solve their darkest problems. And several said you had probably actually saved their lives. You have a unique way of connecting and helping young people. You taught them life skills, and showed them how to bring out the best in themselves and others. Your impact went far beyond the kids that went on the Mexico trip or participated in the youth ministry. I frequently hear friends talk about how their kids are kinder and more communicative after participating in programs led by you. You have a remarkable and unique gift. Many residents talk about youth leaders half your age who are unable to connect and help kids as you have. Your impact has been profound and unique. Our town is forever grateful to you.

    • In my opinion there is not one individual in the history of Piedmont who has had more of a profound positive impact on our youth than Scott Kail. The legendary PCC Mexico trip not only helped families in the served communities, but created cohesion and seeded kindness in our community – especially at Piedmont High school. He also influenced countless adults with his gracious inclusive spirit. I am so grateful to have been fortunate enough to have raised my kids during Scott’s tenure as the PCC Youth Pastor. We are better people because of him. Thank you Scott. Enjoy your well deserved retirement!

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