New subscription service lets you know when air quality incidents happen in the Bay Area

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has launched a new subscription service that can notify residents via text and email of incidents impacting county-level and regional air quality.

Residents can sign up for air quality incident notifications on the district’s website. Subscribers can register for emails and text alerts for incidents affecting specific counties or the entire Bay Area.

“This new subscription service will help the Air District get the word out quickly to Bay Area residents when incidents like industrial fires, refinery flaring, wildfires or widespread odors are affecting local or regional air quality,” said Dr. Philip Fine, executive officer of the air district.

The number of notifications may vary from one per month to more than 15, depending on the frequency of incidents, according to the air district website.

The service, the website also noted, should serve as a supplement, but not a replacement, to other air quality notification services, such as community warnings, Spare the Air alerts, local news coverage and the Environmental Protection Agency fire and smoke map.

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