Here Kitty, Kitty

Royal (left) and Elsa

Name: Royal McBee and Elsa Frozen McFlea

Members of Family: Brigid Gaffikin, Bryan, Susannah, Tobin, and Alexander Cantrill

Age: Both are almost 9 years old

Breed: They are both Siberians. Some of us are allergic to cats and Siberians don’t have any (or as many) allergens in their saliva and dander.

Adoption Story: We knew we wanted to get a Siberian cat and decided any cat would be happier with a companion cat, so we found two close in age. They’re still best friends — most of the time.

Favorite napping spot: Elsa likes boxes and ball caps; Royal likes rooftops and high places.

Favorite toy: Springs and coils, and, unfortunately, also rats

Interesting facts: Both cats love to snuggle and have lots of different meows to tell us when they are hungry, want to go outside, and come inside — and when they have found a rodent “gift.”

Anything else: If you see them sitting outside they are super friendly and will often come up and greet passers-by. They are convinced some of our neighbors are their extended family.

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