Who’s that Good Dog?

JoAnn with Jess in Dracena

This good-natured Doberman responds happily to food, affection, and hand signals.

Name: Jess Lyons

Members of Family: JoAnn Lyon

Age: About 8

Breed: Doberman

Adoption Story: Jess is my eighth Doberman, and I adopted her when she was only 8 months old. One day, my old dog walker from my previous dog stumbled upon a woman walking a bunch of dogs, including a Doberman. The woman said that she had found her at Leona Lodge, and had been trying to find her owner—putting up signs, calling local vets—but couldn’t find anyone. My dog walker knew I love Dobermans, so she called me, and I adopted Jess not soon after.

Likes: She loves anything she perceives to be food and anyone willing to pet her.

Dislikes: She doesn’t always love everyone, [but] I don’t know how she decides who she likes or not.

Interesting facts: When I first got her, my partner at the time had Bulbar-Onset ALS and wasn’t able to call her, so I taught her hand signals. Now, she will answer to most hand signals. 

Anything else: She’s the best dog I’ve ever had. She’s sweet, she’s funny, and she’s smart; she picks things up really quickly. She also just doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.

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