Community members and city staff joined civic leaders past and present to hear Mayor Jen Cavenaugh’s first State of the City address at Piedmont’s Community Hall on Tuesday night. Cavenaugh used her remarks and a slideshow to highlight key initiatives across a broad range of topics ranging from sustainability and resilience to infrastructure, financial planning, and community building.
Alameda County Superior Court Judge Margaret Fujioka, a former Piedmont mayor, made opening remarks and welcomed the crowd, noting that the event represented an important part of the city’s open communication with residents.
Alameda County Superior Court Judge Margaret Fujioka, a former Piedmont mayor, gave opening remarks
Cavenaugh’s address hailed the accomplishments of the past year — and noted challenges the city is facing. (A full report on Mayor Cavenaugh’s remarks will be posted shortly.) She thanked fellow councilmembers, hardworking staff, volunteers and residents — recognizing that the active participation of citizens is what helps to make Piedmont special. Cavenaugh asked the audience to turn to those sitting near them and take a minute to talk and listen to each other about their first impressions of Piedmont and one thing they love about it.
A reception featuring light refreshments followed the presentation.