City’s Vista Ave. frontages get a makeover

Founded in 1923, Piedmont Garden Club recently completed its centennial celebration with a donation for the replanting of the vegetation in front of the Fire Department, Veterans’ Hall and City Hall.

The club’s contribution was initiated in response to an earlier request from the Fire Department, which found the existing hedge to limit their line of sight while entering or leaving the Fire House. There had been an additional hazard in the uneven levels of dirt and pavement that needed attention.

Likewise, the plantings in front of Veterans’ Hall, which had not been refreshed many years, were replaced with drought tolerant California natives more appropriately sized for the space. The drip irrigation installed for both sites will also minimize the water consumption. Still to come: the two planters in front of City Hall will get a makeover with carefully selected drought tolerant vegetation that will continue to enhance the aesthetics of Piedmont’s lovely civic center.

Photos courtesy of Patty Siskind.

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