Name: Reggie (Reginald) Puckett
Members of Family: Tod, Sarah, Macy, Ella, and Sophia Puckett
Age: 4
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Adoption Story: A year before COVID started we decided we wanted a dog. Both myself and my daughters had negative experiences with dogs in the past, so I was nervous. One of my friends got a Cavalier, and loved him. We wanted a dog that was friendly, good with kids, and up for an adventure but also able to chill out and snuggle. Reggie is all of that.
Likes: He loves every type of food, especially eggs and sausages. One time he ate an entire salmon off our dinner table. We can’t ever leave food out, or he’ll find it.
He also has a lot of friends in the neighborhood that he likes to play with in the park by our house. He loves riding in the car, having his belly scratched, and jumping in puddles.
Dislikes: He either loves or hates squirrels—we can’t tell.
Interesting facts: He is obsessed with shadows and sun reflections. He is super interested in laser pointers, and ripples in water.

Anything else: Originally, we were nervous to get a dog, but he’s brought so much joy into our lives — and adds so much to our family. We love him!