The pool house structure is coming into focus now that concrete retaining walls and the pool house deck are in place, according to the latest photos shared by the city on April 9. There’s been no recent update on when the pool might open; at the March City Council meeting community pool project manager George Sanen said the new pool opening deadline was now sometime in winter 2024.
The city says that the retaining wall along Magnolia Avenue and adjacent to the Rec Department buliding is now set. Concrete masonry work on the pool building is also complete. The next step will be to start framing work inside the building. Lots of work is happening on the roof and roof deck. The concrete pour for the roof is scheduled for next Wednesday.
Decking for the Magnolia Ave. retaining wallMagnolia Ave. retaining wall in progress Magnolia Ave. retaining wall completed
Crews working on structural welding and utility penetrations:
Pool building roof deck under way Concrete masonry unit (CMU) completed for the pool building
The city said it hauled off the final bits of contaminated soil from the second buried fuel tank on Tuesday, April 9. The tank itself was removed several months ago, but the soil can’t be moved while wet so that portion of the work had been delayed due to all the rains, the city said.