On Thursday, March 15, 10 volunteers — including five Park Commissioners — gathered with Public Works staff to plant 40 riparian plants along the creek, donated by Watershed Nursery in Richmond. The group planted five different species, all of which are suited to thrive in the Bushy Dell Creek watershed:
- California Box Elder (Acer negundo var. californicum)
- Buttonwillow (Cephalanthus occidentalis var. californica)
- California Wild Rose (Rosa californica)
- White Alder (Alnus rhombifolia)
- Oregon Ash (Fraxinus latifolia)
Parks and Project Manager Nancy Kent Park Commission Vice-Chair Kimberly Moses holds a white alder Park Commissioner Jack Fischrup, Park Commission Vice-Chair Kimberly Moses in the background Volunteers planting on the slopes of Bushy Dell Creek

The effort was coordinated by Park Commission Vice-Chair Kimberly Moses and Parks & Project Manager Nancy Kent.