Name: Scout Thomas
Members of Family: Parker, Hae-Sin, Hana, and Kobi Thomas (and her younger “sister” dog, Bean)
Age: 9
Breed: Supposedly she is a Formosan Mountain Dog, which is a Taiwanese Hunting Dog breed, but her breed might just be ‘Taiwanese street dog’.
Adoption Story: We decided we wanted to adopt, started researching, and stumbled upon a rescue agency—Love & Second Chances—which is based out of Livermore but has two rescue programs: one local, and one international. They find dogs that are living on the streets in Taiwan, get them into a family environment for them to adjust a little, and then bring them to America.
We went to the SFO airport and met someone from the organization coming straight from Taiwan, bringing Scout and a couple of other dogs. Scout immediately jumped into Hae-Sin’s arms, and that was that.

Likes: She is fiercely protective, super smart, agile, and fast. She loves chasing cats, squirrels, and rabbits. Once she leapt 6 feet into the air to snatch a bird that flew into our house.
She also loves to run—once we dumped her out of the car at the Bonneville salt flats and drove next to her. We clocked her as running 36 miles per hour! She loves running all over every park we take her to, and along the beach.
Dislikes: She’s very shy among other dogs, except for Bean, her “sister” dog.

Interesting facts: She was super easy to train, she’s the smartest dog. She never loses us on a trail—even if we hide, she’ll search and find us immediately.
Anything else: She has been as good of a rescue experience as we could’ve imagined. She is super smart and the best dog ever. We love her!