Amongst the many reasons we moved to Piedmont 25 years ago was the safety and security provided in the community. Rapid and professional response to medical and other emergencies, vigilance with respect to preventing and appropriately policing crime and a forward looking approach to always improve safety, as evidence by the early adoption of the ALPR system.
We are surrounded by the city of Oakland, whose poor leadership and lack of attention to these same basic safety principles has caused a dramatic increase in crime and violence at our doorstep. We are incredibly fortunate to fearlessly walk the streets day and night, allow our children to walk, bike and play around town, and to know someone will respond immediately if we are in trouble.
In order to continue to enjoy the same level of safety, security, professionalism and responsiveness to which we have become accustomed, Piedmont residents need to continue to support the parcel tax which funds these services.
Vote Yes on Measure F on March 3rd!