Attitude is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
“This will be fun,” the Seller’s email said. “I’m manifesting good things.”
Wow. (Thank you.)
The personal stories of one Realtor’s battles and triumphs in the highly-competitive Bay Area Real Estate Market, seeking to illuminate and humanize the very real ups-and-downs of homeownership.

While I think everyone would agree that “manifesting good things” is the goal not only for our business transactions but for life in general, it’s much harder to adopt that attitude in the face of the unknown. It’s difficult to establish trust when fear, stress, and anxiety are the prevailing emotions. For all of us, no matter the journey, the future is a GREAT BIG question mark?!? (You only need to turn on your TV to confront a veritable %^& storm at every turn. Prozac anyone?) No wonder it’s tough. No wonder it’s scary. Fear would seem to be a reasonable response to an unreasonable world. There’s simply too much opposition that seeks to polarize.
Optimism and letting go
The fact is that every new endeavor is a step into the unknown and we can either embrace the change or fight it tooth and nail. When it comes to selling our most valuable possession, Homeowners tend to fall into two camps: they either let go completely or fight the process (until they can no longer do so). They either LOVE the staging or hate it. They either appreciate our efforts or dismiss them. They either follow our suggestions, or protest them. It’s a push-me-pull-you relationship no matter how you cut it that calls for a delicate hand.
Admittedly, I’m not so delicate. (That’s where Sarah comes in.) When bringing a property to the market, we often have a very small window to orchestrate a whole host of moving parts which includes packing, clearing, hauling, inspecting, repairing, renovating, painting, refinishing, cleaning, staging, gardening, photographing, marketing, etc. It’s a list that’s long and arduous to be sure, and one that requires all hands on deck. Logistically (and ideally), one team follows the other and we are generally working with tight timelines, so if we appear to be pushing you out of your comfort zone (we are), it’s because we have little flexibility if we’re to meet your goals and our deadlines.
Moreover, when we finally cross over from chaos to order, it’s often (and purposefully) an unrecognizable house, and that too, often creates emotional conflict. But no matter your “feelings” around the neutralization of your previous abode, please know that we are working diligently to create the backdrop where “good things” will, in fact, manifest.
Remember, we’re on the same team and our intentions are predicated on the fact that Realtors® have an ethical responsibility, as well as a fiduciary one, to our clients throughout the process. Plus, we WANT a terrific result for all. (Why wouldn’t we?) Your referrals come about when you are more than satisfied with the results.
That being said, we cannot promise a specific outcome (and neither can anyone else). The market is the market, is the market . . . and ultimately, it’s a qualified Buyer who will decide the value of any given property, on any given day, but we can certainly set the backdrop where “good things happen.” That’s all part of the service we provide and we’ve gotten pretty darn good at it (if say so myself).
Case in point
Such was the case at 210 Hillside Avenue in Piedmont, which is now firmly pending. (Thank you very much.) Our lovely Sellers relocated to South America and essentially handed us their keys. While emails flew back and forth regarding the progress, I don’t believe there was a single instance when they balked at a suggestion, blocked an idea, or put their proverbial foot down. The Open Houses were well received, struck all the right notes, and the market responded in kind (as it should have).
While “letting go” isn’t everyone’s natural disposition or forte (heck, it’s hardly anyone’s), it does help to take a positive philosophical approach to some of our more challenging life transitions. If age teaches us anything, it’s that everything works out in the end (one way or another) and that every challenge is an opportunity for growth. How you expand and absorb life’s lessons is totally up to you, but more importantly, how you PERCEIVE the outcome is a self-fulfilling prophecy. In other words, is your glass half full, or half empty? On the road of life, do you count yourself as having more wins or more losses? This is where gratitude comes sharply into focus and quite literally, changes the horizon.
How can we help you?
If you’ll meet us halfway, we promise to take you across the finish line with care and diligence. Together, we WILL “manifest good things.”
Julie Gardner & Sarah Abel | Compass Realty
Not just Realtors, but consultants in all things house and home, we’re here to educate, explore, examine and refer . . . In short, you may count on us to take care of your home as if it were our own and anyone who knows us, knows we take pretty darn good care of our homes.
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