The skies cleared just in time for the annual Lights Up, Piedmont! event at the Piedmont Community Hall plaza on Wednesday night.
Piedmont’s holiday tree lighting ceremony, which dates back to 1969, was expanded last year to include a large-scale menorah and other winter traditions that celebrate the diversity in the community.
Piedmont High School’s Troubadours sang, the Piedmont Recreation Department coordinated seasonal activities for all ages, and the Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area recipient was invited to flip the switch for the lights. Piedmont Scouts served residents apple cider and hot cocoa.
Santa Claus made an early appearance for photos inside Community Hall, and children are invited to write letters to Santa and deposit them in a special mailbox addressed to North Pole.
Mayor Jen Cavenaugh delivered remarks. Make a Wish recipient Finley Brown and mom AJ Robinson Former PBF president Patty Siskind with current president of Piedmont Beautification Foundation Karen Sullivan Mother and child bask in the glow of the lighted plaza Sari Kaplan played the guitar and sang Hanukkah songs A participant aglow Families meet Santa Piedmont Scouts supply the hot drinks Delighted youngsters Activity stations hosted by the Piedmont Recreation Department Troubadours Troubadours with Santa