The Piedmont Education Foundation (PEF) approved the immediate distribution of $60,000 from its reserve fund to Piedmont Unified School District (PUSD) last week. These funds enabled the addition of two new class sections at Piedmont High School, bringing impacted class sizes in line with the District’s stated goals. PEF has pledged an additional $30,000 contingent on whether PUSD is able to add a third new section.
According to PUSD, an additional section of each English 3-4 and Modern World History has been created, with the possibility of adding a section to AP Art History. The goal is to move approximately 20 students into the new sections, which will reduce the number of students in each existing section.
“It brings us great pleasure to share that Dr. Hawn’s response to the news of the grant was one of elation,” said PEF Board Chair, Tonya Antonucci. “We are truly impressed by her swift implementation of these additional resources, which will undoubtedly make a positive impact on our students and their learning environment. This exemplifies the collaborative work of PEF, to ensure that PUSD has the funds needed to educate our students.”
In a letter to PHS parents, Principal Sukanya Goswami expressed her gratitude to PEF and explained the next steps in the process, assuring students and parents that changes to the schedule will be minimal. Schedule changes to accommodate the new sections and reduce class sizes went into effect on Tuesday. The decision on whether PHS will be able to add a new section to reduce crowding in AP Art History will be made by Thursday.
“Additional sections allow us to reduce class sizes across multiple sections, meaning there is an improved teacher to student ratio with more opportunity for individual focus,” said Principal Goswami. “More sections means more learning opportunities, and more students receiving what they need to be successful.”