When Jessica Carew Kraft goes to sign her new book, Why We Need to Be Wild: One Woman’s Quest for Ancient Human Answers to 21st Century Problems, she won’t be using an ordinary pen.
Instead, Kraft will use a tail feather she found in Berkeley’s Tilden Park that probably came from a turkey killed by a fox. She will fill it with dark black ink made from oak galls, an abnormal plant growth on an oak tree caused by wasps.
Relying on ancient traditions from the time when humans were hunter-gatherers, rather than a species hooked on small electronic devices, has become a way of life for Kraft. She has spent the last few years learning how to forage for food for herself and her two daughters. She picks fruit from trees and bushes, harvests wild roots, culls seaweed to dry, makes salad from wild greens, and hunts in the damp for wild mushrooms. She relies on roadkill that she skins herself as a major source of protein.
“I try to take principles from our ancestral lifestyle and apply them to now,” Kraft said in a Zoom interview from the porch of her home in the Sierra foothills. “I get a lot of my food in the wild, which is really fun and means I have to spend a lot of time outside,” said Kraft.

Why We Need to Be Wild: One Woman’s Quest for Ancient Human Answers to 21st Century Problem
Jessica Carew Kraft (Camino)
Source Books (Aug. 22, 2023)
About seven years ago, Kraft didn’t know how to tan a hide, make a basket from tule grass, turn bones into tools, or build a shelter with materials found in the woods. She was living in Berkeley and commuting two hours a day to a high-powered tech communications job. She found herself racing to work and then racing home to spend time with her husband and children. Life was a rush and the only time Kraft got to spend outside was during her 15-minute office breaks. And those weren’t satisfying either as the garden of her tech company was so carefully tended it seemed artificial. Kraft felt constrained.
So, Kraft quit her job and went on a quest to “rewild” herself and became part of a movement of people trying to live like our ancestors did before there was agriculture and civilization. Why We Need to Be Wild, which comes out Aug. 22, is the story of that journey.
We see Kraft travel around the West to attend “ancestral skills gatherings,” where she learns to make baskets, tools from stone, and bows to hunt for food. She learns to track wildlife and start a fire with just friction. She makes moccasins for her daughters from deer hides she has tanned.
Kraft also delves deeply into the world of “extreme rewilders” people who are exploring what is possible using Paleolithic technology. There is Peter Michael Bauer, the founder of Rewild Portland, which imparts wild skills to children and adults. There is the group the “Meat Mamas,” expert female meat processors who work with the Native hunters who cull buffalo from Yellowstone National Park. There is the forager extraordinaire, Alexis Nikole, and many others.
The journey upended Kraft’s life, but ultimately in a good way. She split from her husband (they are still close) and now goes back and forth between Berkeley, where her children live during the school year, and the foothills. Kraft says she has technically taken a “half step” into the rewilding world, constrained by her need to be with her children and function in the world as a writer. But her heart is in it, full-stop.
“I’m on my journey still and I wouldn’t say I’m any kind of posterchild,” she said.
One way Kraft “rewilds’ is to spend as much time as she can outdoors soaking up the healing benefits of Vitamin D from the sun and staying closer to the day’s rhythms. She has rigged up her house with an outdoor kitchen complete with a refrigerator, microwave, sink, grill, and dehydrating racks to dry out the foods she has foraged. Her outdoor bathroom has a compost toilet and an outdoor sink.
“I’m always thinking how it could be done simpler, how a hunter-gatherer would accomplish these tasks,” she said.
Kraft even applies the concept of rewilding to childcare. When her kids were young, they accompanied Kraft to gatherings around the Northwest, where they loved to live free and bond with other kids in the woods. Now that they are 10 and 13, they, like most kids, love their computers. Kraft would prefer they spend time outside rather than hunched over their laptops, so she set up a space outside with a solar battery.
“So, if they are going to be online, they have to do it out in the woods,” she said.
Kraft plans to share some of the tips she has gathered on the best places to forage and easy ways to “rewild” one’s life at her upcoming book talks.
“I want to open people’s eyes to the fact that we as humans evolved to be outside looking for where food is,” said Kraft. “There are huge dopamine rewards if you can retrain yourself to be outside.”
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