In the News | Critics of Alameda County DA Pamela Price launch recall effort

Critics of Alameda County’s District Attorney Pamela Price launched an official recall effort this week, according to paperwork filed in with the county and reporting in the East Bay Times, Oaklandside, the San Francisco Chronicle and other local news outlets.

“Save Alameda for Everyone: Recall DA Price,” or “SAFE,” was formed by East Oakland resident and victims’ rights advocate Brenda Grisham; Oakland Chinatown business leader Carl Chan, who lives in Alameda; and Philip Dreyfuss, a North Oakland resident and investor who played a role in last year’s recall of progressive San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin.

On Thursday the Campaign for Pamela Price issued a statement characterizing the recall effort as a Republican-backed “coup”.

Oaklandside has the most recent detailed story HERE. (No paywall to read.)

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