Shaken Loose
By Ilana DeBare (Oakland)
Hypatia Press (July 5)

“Shaken Loose” by former San Francisco Chronicle business reporter Ilana DeBare is not your typical quest novel. DeBare’s first published fiction after a career focused on nonfiction, centers on a young San Francisco underachiever who goes to a party and unexpectedly wakes up in Hell. Anna Maple doesn’t understand what she did to deserve to be relegated to a world of fire and brimstone. She vows to escape and teams up with an unusual cast of historical characters along the way.
Trade magazine Publishers Weekly called the novel an “intense and challenging existential horror debut” and said “DeBare leavens this fast-paced and often brutal tale with subtle wit and thought-provoking existential dilemmas.”
A Local News Matters conversation with Ilana DeBare about her new novel, Shaken Loose
Why did you set your novel in Hell?
I always go into writing a novel with a “what if” question. In this case, it was “What if everything you knew about the world was wrong?” Since I’m a liberal, science-oriented, secular person, that abstract “what if” question got fleshed out into “What if the fundamentalists are right and we’re all going to Hell?” It’s a great setting to explore issues of belief and justice. Of course, it’s also a fantastic place to set an adventure story.
Who is Annie Maple and what is her quest?
Annie is a 29-year-old Bay Area college dropout living in the shadow of her genius older brother. Then she dies and goes to Hell—a place she never imagined might truly exist. But the systems that govern Hell are running down, which gives her a chance to escape. At first Annie’s only goal is to find a way back to life, but over time that morphs into a mission to redeem her past failures and rescue someone important to her.
How is Hell falling apart? What does that mean for the characters?
Annie and a small number of other souls are inexplicably “shaken loose” from eternal torment in a sea of fire. They don’t understand why, but they suddenly have agency and freedom within the barren deserts and fiery lakes of Hell. Annie meets other shaken-loose souls from very different eras and places—a Hun from the outskirts of the Roman Empire, a Chinese revolutionary from 20th-century Shanghai, a precolonial West African farmer, and others. Some are truly evil, but others are average people who simply weren’t Christians. One thing I loved about writing this book was throwing these vastly different characters together. There were lots of opportunities for humor in how they misunderstand each other. There were also opportunities to create moving scenes of deep human connection.
Satan and other devils are engaged in a civil war in Shaken Loose. Is this “Game of Thrones” set in Hell?
Definitely not! The devil civil war is just a backdrop, another threat that Annie and her allies must navigate. The real focus is on the humans and their efforts to understand what happened to them—why they were sent to Hell, what kind of god (if any) is in charge, whom to trust, and what to do with their unexpected release. To me, that’s more interesting than power struggles among devil generals. It has more in common with [the television serial] “The Good Place” than with “Game of Thrones,” but it does have some of the dark grittiness of “Game of Thrones.”
Do you believe in Hell? If not, what are you trying to show your readers?
I don’t believe in Hell but I’m fascinated by its long history in myth, religion, and art. The Hell in “Shaken Loose” is my own creation but it draws on various versions of Christian Hell throughout the centuries. Like our own world, it’s a deeply unjust place: People are sentenced to an eternity of torment for big sins like murder but also for simply being the wrong religion. I hope “Shaken Loose” provokes discussion (hello, book groups!) on issues like whether any religion has a monopoly on virtue and how a supposedly just god can tolerate such an unjust world.
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