Family: Matt Dalton and Tanya Stolurow and Will Dalton
Pet: Harry (or, Harrison if he’s being naughty)
Age: 10 years on May 17
Breed: Norwich Terrier

Adoption story: When our son was 13, his best friend since childhood was preparing to move to Cincinnati. We thought it was probably a good time to adopt a dog for some companionship. We happened to find two adoptable dogs from the same litter, a litter named after the British royal family. As fate would have it, the two puppies happened to be named Will and Harry – exactly the same names as the two friends who were soon to be separated. So, Harry the boy adopted Will the dog, and Will the boy adopted Harry the dog.
Likes: Cheese, adoration, and children — especially children who have cheese and adore him
Dislikes: Being ignored and UPS trucks.
Interesting facts: He’s probably a typical terrier in that he is very smart and stubborn, but he’s also ridiculously charming. If he greets you, it will be a 10-minute celebration of yelping, licks, and jumping up to see you. You’re the most amazing person in the world in that moment.
Harry trails behind as Matt heads out to surf
Harry is the Piedmont Ave. Official greeter. He thinks everyone has come out to meet him, and he’s happy to see you.
Harry is THE best!
Harry is a great dog, raised by a great family💕💕