Family: Anita Bloch and Steve, Ari, and Josh Berl
Pet: Tashi
Age: Guessing 12 years
Breed: Unsure – seems to be part Tibetan Terrier and Shih Tzu or part Havanese
Adoption story: We adopted Tashi in 2013 right after our younger son went off to college and the quiet house felt too quiet and lonely. We found him on online at Berkeley Animal Services. He was so cute I wondered why he hadn’t been snapped up quickly. The volunteer at the shelter said he was traumatized he wouldn’t come out and meet people — until we showed up. He came right up and sat on my lap and it was love at first sight. Originally Maximilian, we re-named him Tashi because it seems he is part Tibetan Terrier, and in Tibetan Tashi means fortunate or lucky.
Likes: Tug of war with a ball. Sometimes he likes to go and get it and bring the tennis ball back, other times he just holds it and makes noises like he thinks you are trying to steal it back. He also really loves raw carrots. He comes running when he hears the sound of a veggie peeler.
Dislikes: The heat — he doesn’t do well when it is hot out.
Interesting facts: He loves the lighting of Shabbat candles on Friday night because he knows he is going to get a piece of challah bread. When we light the candles he sometimes barks as we say the prayer. Now when I am preparing the candlesticks, he knows a challah treat is coming. With eyes only for me, Tashi is a constant shadow following me from room to room — he has increased the love in our household.