Family: Mark, Marianne, Megan, Madison and Michael Aikawa
Pet: Molly
Age: 10
Breed: Golden Retriever
Adoption story: We had lost our Yellow Labradors, Sara and Casey, to old age and waited for a couple years before deciding to get a puppy. When the time came, we looked on Craigslist for dogs. We ran across an advertisement regarding a golden retriever puppy who was already on its second owner and needed a new family. We knew if we went to visit her, we would be bringing her home. We became Molly’s third owners and welcomed her into our family. We have been blessed with Molly’s presence ever since.
Likes: Food, treats, tug-of-war, and walks! Most of all, Molly loves to get her back scratched by everyone and loves to sleep on her favorite sofa with all four of her legs in the air.
Dislikes: Rain, cold weather, and broccoli!
Ever eager Molly with Michael Go Bears!
Interesting facts: Molly is happy to meet anyone. She loves to play with all the neighborhood dogs and even tries to befriend the neighborhood cats… although, she has yet to be successful. Molly loves to participate in holidays, dressing up, and showing her allegiance to UC Berkeley wearing her Cal outfit. She is a wonderful dog and a great companion.