This is a PUSD recap with some details highlighted by Exedra editors. The over four-hour-long meeting can be viewed on KCOM’s online streaming page HERE.
Received Presentation on Progress on LCAP Goal 2: Academics – Staff provided an update on progress made on the action items in two areas for LCAP Goal 2 – Standards-Aligned Instruction to Maintain High Levels of Academic Achievement for All Students and Differentiated Learning. Read full background & view slidedeck. Presentation starts at 50:20 of meeting video.
Approved Second Reading, Board Policy 0100 – Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans – Discussion starts at 1:45:00 of meeting video.
First Reading, Adoption of Piedmont Middle School Health Class – Staff presented a proposal for adoption of a semester-long health class to meet the state requirements for middle school health education as outlined in the California Health Education Framework and the Health Education Content Standards. Read full background and view slidedeck. Presentation starts at 2:20:30 of meeting video.
Exedra note: Adding a semester-long health class to the 7th grade curriculum will impact the PMS language program, effectively moving all of Spanish I, Mandarin I, and French I instruction to 8th grade. (Currently students have the option of taking a semester of language in 7th grade.) With the change, students will have the same amount of world language instruction in middle school but it will be concentrated in 8th grade.
Approved Facilities Steering Committee Recommended 2023 Summer Projects – In 2015, PUSD created a Facilities Master Plan, assessing the District’s ability to support changing educational programs and goals, and making plans to ensure that facilities enhance educational programs now and in the future. The Facilities Steering Committee continues to evaluate priorities and make recommendations for renovations as funds become available. The committee recommends approving the following projects for Summer 2023.
Exedra note: The summer projects include Witter Field Renovations, HVAC repairs to PHS 20’s and PMS 400’s buildings, and special inspection charges for the EV Charging station PG&E project. Fiscal impact as outlined in the background information:
* Witter: $4,166,933
Funding for Witter is expected to be available through the State School Facilities Program. The District is
on the unfunded list and expects final funding approval by the State Allocation Board at their February
* HVAC: $530,000
Funding for the HVAC projects is from the Routine Restricted Maintenance Account (RRMA). The District
is required to set-aside the equivalent of 3% of General Fund expenditures into the RRMA for routine
maintenance. The HVAC projects will be funded from the 2023-24 budget for RRMA.
*EV Charging Stations: $10,000
Funding will be from the District’s General Fund as a capital expense item for 2023-24.
Approved the District’s 2021-22 Financial Audit – Education Code Section 41020 requires each school district to contract with a qualified CPA firm for an audit of their books and accounts, including an audit of income and expenditures by source of funds. The CPA firm is required to file the report with the county superintendent of schools, the California Department of Education, and the State Controller’s Office by Dec. 15 of the next fiscal year. The school board is required to review the report at a public school board meeting. Read full background, audit summary and full audit report.
Approved 2022 School Accountability Report Cards – School Accountability Report Cards were an element in the 1988 ballot initiative Proposition 98. The law required all public schools in California to prepare School Accountability Report Cards (SARC) and disseminate them to the public. School Accountability Report Cards (SARCs) are intended to provide the public with important information about each public school conveniently compiled in one report.
Read full background and view slidedeck. Read SARCs for Beach, Havens, Wildwood, PMS, MHS, PHS.
Received Update on Governor’s 2023-24 Budget – On Jan. 10, 2023, Governor Gavin Newsom released his Proposed State Budget for 2023-24. This is a critical piece of the District’s 2023-24 budget development process. The proposed revenues will be the only information available until May, when the Governor will provide a May Revision. The State Legislature will begin review and deliberation of the proposal and may make significant changes before final approval of the State budget in June. A summary of the proposal, as it pertains to Piedmont Unified School District, will be presented. View slidedeck. Presentation starts at 3:35:40 of meeting video.