A joyful crowd filled the new Alan Harvey Theater on Monday, Jan. 16 for the 26th annual MLK Day Celebration. This year’s event — Beyond Race, Beyond Class, Beyond Nation — was hosted by the Piedmont Anti-Racism and Diversity Committee (PADC) and the City of Piedmont. (See full program below.)
Lois Corrin, founder of PADC’s MLK Day Mayor Jen Cavenaugh gives remarks Corrina Gould co-founder of the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust Kate Schatz, author of Do The Work! and the Rad Women book series, was the key note speaker Morgan Hunt, a PHS 12th grader and co-president for the Black Student Union, closes the event
Barbara Lee speaks to the audience by way of a pre-recorded message Dancers with New Style Motherlode in Oakland An ensemble with the Oaktown Jazz Workshops performs “For Children of All Ages” by Bobby Watson One of the Oakland Dynamites cheerleading troop A young girl listens intently to the key note speaker The audience applauds following the performance of the Oaktown jazz workshop ensemble