The Shah Sen Family
“We donate to the Giving Campaign to ensure our district can provide an excellent, well-rounded educational experience to our children. These funds support the arts, libraries, technology, professional development and so much more, which are a key part of the student learning journey.”
Lisa Shah and Indy Sen, parents to Mira (7th grade) and Zubin Sen (4th grade)
Families share reasons why giving to the schools is so important.
The Schaeffer Family

“This year we continue to prioritize donating to the Giving Campaign because we love our schools and know a good public education in California isn’t free. We are grateful to be a part of a community that values education and comes together every year to raise the funds needed to keep the district strong.”
Dana Murray and David Schaeffer, parents to Hazel and Murray (Beach Elementary)

The Cameron Family

“We are in because PEF supports academic excellence and community excellence, which aren’t mutually exclusive. It’s important that Piedmont Schools continue to have rigorous academics and support inclusion and belonging programs; this is why we give.”
Jade and Mark Cameron, parents to Cole, Stone and Brick (Havens Elementary)
The Ruthven Family

“We’re IN because our children benefit tremendously from the extracurriculars and student support that The Giving Campaign helps fund. We see the “extras” that are funded by donations and parcel taxes as “essentials” and feel strongly about investing in our students and community.”
Neil and Julia Ruthven, parents to Ella, Lola and Kellan (Havens Elementary)
The Leonard Family with Grandma, Brooke Zimmerman

“We proudly donate to The Giving Campaign to ensure that the legacy and hard work established by those before us, are continued for future learners and leaders.”
Kevin and Rachel Leonard, parents to Havia (6th) and Cy (beach 3rd) with Grandma, Brooke Zimmerman
The Meyjes Family

“As a PHS graduate I am proud of our schools and community. Our family is happy to contribute every year to The Giving Campaign”
Sarah and John Meyjes, parents to Kate and Jack
The Nealon Family

“Like many families we were drawn to Piedmont because of the strong public education opportunity for our children. We have experienced first-hand this quality through our interactions with teachers, staff, and administration. The Piedmont Education Fund bridges the gap between state funding and school needs. We feel it’s in the best interest of the community to continue to give so that we retain our best and are thankful to be able to contribute to the strong legacy of a strong Piedmont public education.”
Nicole and Matt Nealon, parents to Olivia (6th), Ella (5th), Kate (5th), Josh (2nd)
The Schreiber Family

“We were attracted to Piedmont ten years ago in large part because of the strong public schools. We were focused on academics but quickly came to appreciate there’s so much more. Our schools bond the community together. Those bonds are strengthened when parents join together to support a robotics, debate or sports team, grandparents attend a theater or musical production, or students simply find a quiet spot in the library to talk with friends.
Bridget and Drew Schreiber, parents to Justus, Mary and Gigi (PMS and Havens Elementary)
Despite the fatigue and frustrations of Covid, we see the value delivered to our children and our community by our schools. We were in before. We’re still IN!”
Are YOU in? Please donate today.