When it comes to elections and elected officials, it really comes down to making decisions about who you want to represent you. For us, it is not about who we agree with 100% of the time, or who is most popular in our community, but who do we trust? Who do we believe has the thoughtfulness to make the best decisions, the intelligence to seek creative solutions, and the integrity to stand up for their beliefs. For Piedmont school board, the person we trust is Ruchi Medhekar.
As active volunteers with the Beach Parents Organization, we met Ruchi not long after her family moved to town and she began her involvement with the parent club. What was immediately apparent was her genuine interest in our schools and her priority in putting students first.
Fast forward to 2022 and Ruchi is very clearly a valued member of our community as evidenced by her school and district level leadership roles, and her involvement with the Piedmont Education Foundation and the City Recreation Commission. She has earned a reputation for working hard, listening with an open mind, and having the kind of can-do attitude that we all know PUSD needs. Her impressive career as a scientist and business leader provides a unique perspective on evaluating curriculum priorities, strategic planning, and the need to balance competing demands with constrained resources.
As our district moves beyond COVID, our students and families deserve to have leaders who bring broad perspectives, demonstrate foresight, think independently, and have the courage to lead. We trust Ruchi to be this kind of leader.
Ruchi Medhekar will be a champion for educational excellence and student wellness, ensuring that our kids are academically and socially supported and inspired. We would be both lucky and proud to have her represent us on the school board.