I write to endorse Ruchi Medhekar and Lindsay Thomasson for School Board. Put simply, both Ruchi and Lindsay have done their homework and demonstrated their commitment to serving the entire community. They have spoken AND listened to the District stakeholders including teachers, parents, students, administrators, and local organizations.
During the Tri-School Parent Club School Board forum on October 25, when asked about their qualifications, both Lindsay and Ruchi stated that they “show up.” They. Show. Up.
I am the mother of an autistic boy with an IEP at Beach. His brothers go to Wildwood. We are grateful for the special education resources at Beach, but we are deeply concerned about what lies ahead for our son in middle school and high school. Inclusion is extremely important to our family. Because special education, especially at the middle and high school levels, is extremely important not just to my family, but to so many other Piedmont families, I am proud to serve on the board of PRAISE (Piedmonters for Resources, Advocacy, & Information in Special Education).
PRAISE had a School Board Candidate forum on October 17, 2022. Twenty minutes before the forum, candidate Shirley Hooi emailed to say she would not be attending. Ruchi and Lindsay came prepared and they were inspiring.
I freely admit that it is only since the pandemic started and schools closed that I realized how important it is to me to have people on the School Board with young school children in Piedmont schools. It is important to have people on the Board with diverse learners, and people who understand the importance of inclusion in our schools.
As School Board Members, I believe that Ruchi and Lindsay will continue to show up and continue to thoughtfully engage with PRAISE and all of the other District stakeholders who care so much about Piedmont’s amazing schools. They have my vote.