Family: Tom and Mary Brickley
Pet: Gracie
Age: ~ 5 years
Breed: 1/2 Shepherd, 1/4 Chihuahua, 1/4 Terrier
Adoption story: Our daughter Kate found her running along a highway in the Central Valley. I grew up with black Labs and always told stories to my daughters about these great dogs. They grew up with cats and my wife Mary is a cat lover. When my daughter saw Gracie running along the highway she thought at first it was a black Lab and thought: there’s my dad’s new dog! I knew instantly she was not a lab, but had no idea she was Shepherd/Chihuahua.
Likes: Getting her belly rubbed.
Dislikes: Our cats getting too much attention.
Interesting facts: The fact she is Shepherd and Chihuahua always raises eyebrows. Gracie is the most well-behaved friend/dog we know.

What a great story and lovely family! I can’t really see the chihuahua in her, but she’s certainly one lucky pup.