Rec. Department offers running programs for 4th-8th graders

Sophia Zalewski in a middle school cross country meet

Calling all running enthusiasts: Piedmont Recreation Department is offering running programs for fourth through eighth graders!

First, for the younger set — fourth and fifth graders — there is the “Piedmont Junior Running Club.” This program has been renamed, but has been offered for many years and proven very popular as an introduction to running in a structured, yet fun environment. This program will be offered at each elementary school, starting Sept. 12, and will end around Halloween. It will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays right after school. On Mondays, the program will go from 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. and on Wednesdays the time frame is 2:00 to 3:15 p.m. Each session will include not only running, but active games, agility drills, relay races, and other activities. All practices will be supervised and directed by experienced, adult coaches.

Second, the Piedmont Middle School cross country team will be starting their 17th season and is open to any student in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades. The team practices four days a week, Monday through Thursday and meets after school from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. PMS is in a league with other schools in the East Bay and there will be a series of meets at various parks where students can enjoy some friendly competition.  

Running is accessible to all

Cross country is a sport any youngster can do. There are no plays to learn or athletic skills to master — only running. The program is led by veteran, long-tenured coaches Minori Tsuge and Christine Chapon.

To sign up for these programs you can call the Piedmont Rec Department @ 510-420-3070 or go to this link and register online: and register through Community Pass.

Seeking Volunteers

Anyone who would like to help coach either program or volunteer on a periodic basis, please contact the Piedmont Recreation Department’s Sports Coordinator, Akil Danjuma at 510-420-3089 or

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