Family: Eliza, Doug, Max and Mookie White
Pet: Poe
Age: 4 months
Breed: Lab mix
Adoption story: A good friend was fostering Poe and his brother from the Milo Foundation. They kept the brother and we adopted Poe — and now they can know each other forever!
Likes: Chewing EVERYTHING! Toys, socks, hats, shoes, furniture, human body parts, and the house itself.
Dislikes: Being put outside while we are eating at the kitchen table, and being left alone for too long (which is about 5 minutes).
Interesting facts: He is named after Poe Dameron from Star Wars. Or from the Louisiana sandwich (Po’ Boy).
Max and Poe Eliza, Max and Mookie snuggle with Poe Is it bedtime yet?
Wonderful story! Wonderful family!
From Max and Mookie’s Mamon