As the last weeks of the 2021-2022 school year wound down, PUSD and friends of the schools took time to honor administrators, teachers, and staff who were departing the district.
On Tuesday, June 1, PUSD held a farewell gathering in the newly opened PHS Performing Arts Center for Superintendent Randy Booker, who leaves Piedmont after 19 years to become the new superintendent of San Mateo Union High School District. Booker was presented with a student-made electric guitar designed in the new Guitar Engineering program and a rendering of the new STEAM and Performing Arts buildings, which were planned and constructed during his tenure. In honor of his many contributions to the district and community, Mulberry’s Market gave away free Icees to all on June 2.
“Over the last 30+ years I have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of California school superintendents in communities across the state on school bond measures, parcel taxes as well as strategies to improve parental involvement and student achievement,” said Piedmont resident and noted political strategist Larry Tramatola at the gathering. “I can unequivocally say that Randy Booker is one of the best.”
School Board President Cory Smegal and former Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Michael Brady present Booker with the student-made electric guitar Theater architect Jeff Evans of HKIT and Michael Brady present the rendering of the new buildings to Booker. Randy Booker with his wife Amy before his farewell.
On May 17, the Piedmont High School community said goodbye to retiring Principal Adam Littlefield at the Community Center in Piedmont Park at a party hosted by the PHS Parents Club and the Piedmont Education Foundation. (Photo from PUSD) Sukanya Goswami was named the new principal of PHS in April.

The PMS parent community also held a goodbye party for Piedmont Middle School Principal Ryan Fletcher, who is moving to Colorado with his family this summer. Longtime district administrator and assistant principal at PMS Karyn Shipp will take over that position next year.
Retiring teachers and staff were recognized at the May 25 Board of Education meeting. They were Beach Elementary SPED paraeducator Carol James, Havens Elementary custodian Mark Alvarez and counselor Lori Morris, PHS English teacher Jody Weverka and Principal Adam Littlefield, and PUSD maintenance technician Steve Lucas. Also retiring but not pictured, PHS English teacher Valentina Gnup. (Photos courtesy of PUSD)
According to the PUSD website on June 3, there are currently 18 job listings for certificated staff, including openings for high school chemistry, biology, and math teachers, and substitutes at the high school. There are nine openings for classified staff that include positions for special education paraprofessionals among other openings.
The school board plans to name an external Interim Superintendent before July 1 to serve over the 2022-23 school year. Over the summer, the Board will select a superintendent search firm to coordinate the search process. “Stakeholder meetings will take place in the fall to gather input from students, staff, families and the community. The Superintendent position will be posted in the winter with interviews to take place in the winter/spring. PUSD’s next Superintendent will be named in the spring and will assume their new position on July 1, 2023” according to PUSD.