On May 25 in the Ellen Driscoll Auditorium, Piedmont High School honored over 40 students for their exemplary academic, athletic, and extracurricular contributions to the high school.
Valedictorian: Aaron Drumm
Salutatorians: Jacob Hsia and Wesley Jeng
Susan Kawaichi Medal: Zoe Saldanha
Gail Dryden Medal: Joyce Stern
Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizens’ Medal: Kaeli Huh
League of Women Voters Civics in Action Medal: Kaeli Huh
Dean Faberman Award: Dabney Warner
ASB Award: Eleanor Black and Carly Roitblat
Leadership Impact Award: Caroline Collins, Cameryn Kwong, Maya Kumar, Charlotte Levy
Outstanding Journalist Award: Zenobia Pellisier Lloyd and Jack Stein
Outstanding Photojournalist Award: Sally Post
Computer Science Medal: Juliette Palacios
Outstanding French Student Trophy: Ian Work
Piedmont Medal in French: Sophia Ethington
Spanish for Excellence Trophy: Isador Roselli
Piedmont Medal in Spanish: Audrey Frankel
Outstanding Student in Mandarin Trophy: Claire Dean
Piedmont Medal in Mandarin: Aaron Drumm
Outstanding Girl Athlete Trophy: Eleanor Black
Outstanding Boy Athlete Trophy: Jack Stein
Excellence in Mathematics Plaque: Zoe Saldanha
Piedmont Medal in Mathematics: Charles Clowes
Science Award: Chiara Lundin
Eileen Rohmer Certificate in Science: Wesley Jeng
DeMolay Social Studies Award: Zoe Saldanha
Piedmont Medal in Social Studies: Haik Kibarian
English Medal: William Baker
Piedmont English Award: Charlotte Levy
Outstanding Senior in Drama Department Award: Holden Temple
Outstanding Senior in Drama Director’s Award: Katherine Stormer
National Merit Scholarship Award Finalists: Aaron Drumm, Charlotte Levy, Anabel Loucks, Chiara Lundin, Charles Olcott
Outstanding Senior in Dance Award: Helena Daniel
Painting and Drawing Medal: Sara Govert
Studio Art Medal: Kenji Abe-Bindeman
Outstanding Senior Vocal Music Award: Rachel Barton
Choral Music Award: Scott McKenzie
Outstanding Senior in Orchestra: Caitlin Gong
Symphonic Band Award: Kienen Rhodin
Jazz Band Award: Alex Tafapolsky
Music Department Award: Will Davies
Music Director’s Award: Sophia Ware
Piedmont Leadership in Peer Services Award: Megan Hiller, Bridgette McEfee
Valedictorian Aaron Drumm Salutatorians Wesley Jeng and Jacob Hsia Zoe Saldanha holds the Susan Kawaichi medal Amir Singh receives the Eric Swart Rachesky Memorial Award Ian Work and Amir Singh at the conclusion of the awards ceremony Charles Clowes with his medal for Piedmont Mathematics Teacher Aaron Barlin presents the Associated Student Body Medal to Carly Roitblat and Eleanor Black Jack Stein and Zenobia Pellissier Lloyd receive the Outstanding Journalist Award from English teacher Beth Black Audrey Frankel receives the Piedmont Medal in Spanish Teacher Xinjia Xia presents Claire Dean with the Outstanding Mandarin Student Award Erin Igoe introduces Joyce Stern, the winner of the Gail Dryden Medal Outstanding athletes Jack Stein and Eleanor Black Teacher Beth Black with her daughter Eleanor Black at the conclusion of the awards ceremony Kienen Rhodin was awarded Outstanding Senior in Symphonic Band Irma Munoz acknowledges the National Merit Scholarship Finalists: Charles Olcott, Charlotte Levy, Chiara Lundin, Anabel Loucks and Aaron Drumm Kenji Abe-Bindeman with his Studio Art Medal Art teacher Gillian Bailey with Painting Drawing Award recipient Sara Govert Melanie McCauley awards Sally Post the Outstanding Photojournalist Award Teacher Xinjia Xia places the medal for Outstanding Mandarin Student around Aaron Drumm’s neck Bridgette McEfee and Megan Hiller were awarded Piedmont Leadership in Peer Services Helena Daniel was awarded Outstanding Senior in Dance Chiara Lundin with her Science Award Medal Drama Teacher Kim Taylor presents Scott McKenzie with the Choral Music Award, Caitlin Gong with Outstanding Senior in Orchestra Award, Kienen Rhodin the Outstanding Senior in Symphonic Band Award, Alex Tafapolsky with Outstanding Senior in Jazz Band Award, Sophia Ware with Music Directors Award and Will Davies for Music Department Award (not pictured) Kaeli Huh receives both the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizens Medal and the League of Women Voters Civics in Action Award Katherine Stormer is awarded the Director’s Award for Outstanding Senior in Drama by Teacher Kim Taylor Aaron Barlin presents Charlotte Levy, Maya Kumar, Caroline Collins, and Cameryn Kwong with the Leadership Impact Award Beth Black awards Zenobia Pellissier Lloyd and Jack Stein the Outstanding Journalist Award Charlotte Levy is presented with the Piedmont English Award by English teacher Beth Black Juliette Palacios received the Computer Science Medal Isador Rosselli is awarded the Spanish for Excellence Medal by teacher Jessica McMillen Bryan Smith recognizes Ian Work as Outstanding Senior in French Sophia Ethington accepts the Piedmont Medal in French Erin Igoe recognizes Brigette McEfee and Megan Hiller for the Piedmont Leadership in Peer Services Award Janine Sohn presents the Piedmont Social Studies Medal to Haik Kibarian Dabney Warner with the Dean Faberman Award Athletic Director Bradley Smet gives a congratulatory hug to Outstanding Boy Athlete Jack Stein Bradley Smet presents the award for Outstanding Girl Athlete to Eleanor Black Teacher Amy Moorhead awards Helena Daniel Outstanding Senior in Dance Teacher Tom Palsa awards Charles Clowes the Piedmont Mathematics Medal Zoe Saldanha accepts the Excellence in Mathematics Award Chiara Lundin accepts the Science Award Medal from teacher Andy Willats