Don’t miss this virtual series which kicks off on Jan. 11 and will focus on topics related to elections, voters, and the health of our democracy.
The League of Women Voters of Piedmont, California proudly presents our 2022 Defending Democracy Speaker Series. This virtual speaker series will cover a range of topics related to elections, voters, and the health of our democracy. This series is co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Gunnison Valley, Colorado.
The talks will be held live on Zoom and YouTube and will each include question and answer sessions from the audience. All events begin at 4pm PST and are free and open to the public. Please visit our website (lwvpiedmont.org) to learn more and register for these events.
The series begins on January 11, 2022 with Carol Moon Goldberg, President of LWV of California, who will discuss voting rights. A member of the League for over 25 years, Carol has served at both the local and state levels. Prior to her role as President, she was Voter Service Director where she oversaw production of LWVC’s standard voter service materials, worked on Voter’s Edge, and coordinated the League’s part in the televised U.S. Senatorial candidate forum. Carol also served as program director for LWVC in the reproductive choices portfolio for three years prior to joining the state board.
Subsequent events include:
- February 10: Rob Richie, President and CEO of Fair Vote, will discuss Rank Choice Voting
- March 1: Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of Berkeley Law, will discuss Election Law and the Supreme Court
- March 30: Dr. Fiona Hill, Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Center on United States and Europe will give us an International View of US Election Subversion and the State of our Democracy