Family: Amanda, Greg, Adeline and Tyler Feldman
Pet: Haley
Age: 9 years old
Breed: Labradoodle (Chocolate)
Adoption story: Greg and I both grew up with dogs and spent the first half of our adult lives wishing we could have a dog (separately – I was living in NYC and Greg was in the military). One of the first conversations we had when we were dating was around our love of dogs and specifically that we both wanted a Labradoodle. Fast forward a couple of years and we picked out Haley before we even had a place to live, just a few months before we got married. She is 100% our “first baby” and only mildly tolerates the invasion of her two human siblings.
Likes: Haley loves “her” people. If you’re one of her people, you know it by how she cries with excitement when she sees you. Food — she may only be a quarter lab but she has the lab’s love of food, and the beach, which is Haley’s version of Disneyland.
Dislikes: She does not like deliveries (mail, Amazon, UPS), she does not like anyone touching her paws, and she does not like being alone.
Interesting facts: Haley has always had an interesting coat… her fur grows differently on different parts of her body. Specifically on her head, there’s a patch at the top that is dense and shorter, followed by a “poofier” coat, giving the impression of a receding hairline and making her eyebrows more pronounced. We think this makes her look wise, albeit sometimes a bit goofy.
Anything else? Haley was born with two different colored eyes – one dark brown and one golden. When she was 7, she developed glaucoma in her left eye (the dark brown eye) and had to have it removed. We grieved the loss of her eye and what it could mean for our active and happy pup, but she seems to get along pretty well without it. We hope the fact that her remaining eye is a different color means it will not have the same predisposition to glaucoma.