Most Americans — including more than two-thirds of Republicans — give their local schools good grades for balancing public health and safety with education, according to the latest Axios/Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll.
Findings from this national survey may suggest Americans are less worried about Covid risks now, as Axios reported, and largely feel the delta variant is behind them. Asked how schools had done in terms of balancing health and safety with other priorities since the start of the pandemic, 71% of U.S. adults — and 75% of parents — said schools had done a good job as opposed to a poor job.

Many did not feel strongly either way, the poll suggests. Just 16% of overall respondents said schools had done a “very good” job, while 55% said schools had done a “somewhat good” job; 19% said schools did a “somewhat poor” job while 8% said schools had done a “very poor” job.
There was a partisan gap, but it wasn’t major, as Axios reported: 68% of Republicans, 71% of independents and 78% of Democrats said schools had done a good job. Just 12% of Republicans, 8% of independents and 4% of Democrats said schools have done a “very poor” job.