The 16-member PHS junior varsity girls’ tennis team, coached by Iain Muhuideen and David McCaig, finished their season last month in two tournaments. On Oct. 28, seven players traveled to San Francisco for a six-team jamboree of two singles and two doubles matches at Golden Gate Park Tennis Center. Sadie Rosen, Ellie Broscow, Abigail Call, Carolina Romanczuk, Alina Shahid, Sophie LaForte, and Asha Byers secured the third-place trophy after they missed playing for first place by one point in the semi-final match.
The final tennis match was another jamboree against four high schools at Alameda High School on Oct. 30. Entering the draw were five Piedmont doubles teams: Carolina Romanczuk and Simran Titan; Abigail Call and Alina Shahid; Laurel Bentley and Ruby Guzdar; Jane Hempeck and Luisa Cole; and Asha Byers and Sabrina Carling. Romanczuk and Titan played in the final, but lost 5-7 to Bishop O’Dowd in a competitive match.
“The team improved throughout the season,” said Coach McCaig. “Many girls are hoping to move up to the varsity team next year.”
Overall, the girls’ JV team played 12 matches, winning three out of 10 league meetings.