This November, for the first time since the pandemic, many of the artists associated with the East Bay Open Studios event will be offering art collectors the option of an in-person studio visit.

Two Piedmont artists, the married couple Irene Nelson and Chris Harvey, will both have their studios open on November 6 and 7 during the first weekend of EBOS, which is designated for artists in EBOS-designated “Bay Side Cities”. A second weekend, November 13 and 14, is planned for artists located in the “680 Corridor Cities”. On both weekends, the EBOS website provides virtual viewing for artists who choose not to have their studios physically open.
Both Nelson and Harvey are well established painters whose work was selected for inclusion in the deYoung Open last January. The two artists each have their own distinct style; Nelson’s highly abstract paintings feature strong directional line and breathtaking color combinations in acrylic and ink on wood and paper. This year, Nelson will also be showing new work in ceramics. Harvey’s oil paintings are contemporary interpretations of the Bay Area Figurative movement with everyday scenes portrayed in poignant color and light. Despite their diverse painting styles, Nelson and Harvey share a beautiful studio designed by Harvey, who when not painting works as an architect. This is the first time that Nelson and Harvey have opened their studio to the public for EBOS.
Chris Harvey: Crusin’ Oaktown 18×18 Irene Nelson: Untitled Quarantine #1, 2020, 18”x 24”
EBOS is designed as a self-guided tour. The EBOS website has multiple ways to search for specific artists and locations. The event has long been a great way for art lovers and the art curious to explore East Bay cities through visits to artist’s studios. Artists of all genres are represented: glass-making, sculpture, painting, textiles, and more and collectors will find everything from small gifts to major purchases.
Whether in person or virtually, artists are excited to have viewers see their work. You can visit Irene Nelson and Chris Harvey on November 6 and 7, from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. at their studio at 49 York Drive.
Looking forward to this!
We have famous neighbors ! Excited to stop by, Liana and Kevin