Piedmont Connect will host another Healthy Landscapes Front Garden Tour from Saturday, Sept. 25 through Sunday, Oct. 3. This year’s tour will offer a sampling of drought-friendly options that present the beauty of northern California’s early fall. The self-guided tour will feature Piedmont front gardens that have been transformed from conventional water-intensive or invasive landscapes into creative, healthy landscapes in a variety of styles, some more manicured and some more naturalized and organic. Selected gardens represent a range of Piedmont neighborhoods, horticultural conditions, and lot sizes. Sidewalk viewers will see what their neighbors have created to conserve our potable water supplies, minimize watershed pollutants, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and support a diverse, local biosphere.
Native ground covers and natural leaf mulch contribute to the low-maintenance ease of this National Wildlife Federation-certified habitat garden. Blooms in a riot of bright colors line this home’s sidewalk and attract pollinators. A splendid fall color palette is on display in this low-water use native garden. The complex geometry of this sloped native garden prevents erosion while providing wildlife nectar sources.
Participating gardens will be announced at the Piedmont Harvest Festival on Sunday Sept. 19. A garden list will also be posted on Piedmont Connect’s website, and will be sent to Piedmont Connect’s email subscriber list.