Two new cases of COVID-19 were reported in Piedmont since Tuesday, standing at 230 now per Alameda County’s COVID dashboard:

The school district announced its own COVID tracking dashboard last week. Displayed on the district website’s homepage, the dashboard will be updated weekly, according to a letter emailed to families by Superintendent Randy Booker.

Piedmont’s already very high vaccination rate continues to climb, with more than 87% of eligible residents fully vaccinated as of Friday, August 27.

REMINDERS: On Tuesday the school district sent a notice to families reminding them that masks are required — both indoors and outside — while on campus except when eating or drinking. “Students not in compliance with this policy may be transitioned into an off-campus Independent Study program.” The email also said parents and family members must also wear masks when dropping students off in the morning and / or afternoon.
Additionally on Tuesday, the superintendent asked families to provide student vaccination information to the district nurses to help them better conduct quick and thorough contact tracing, and assign proper quarantine protocols based on vaccine status. “At this point,” the email said, “this request is not a mandate, but simply a tool to put our District nurses in the best position to report potential COVID exposures quickly and generate safe outcomes for students and staff.” (Instructions on how to share the information will be sent to families separately and the information will be kept by the nurses only, as is the practice with other immunization records the district collects.)
Finally, the district is partnering with the Alameda County Health Department to provide an on-site, no-cost vaccination clinic for staff, students ages 12 and over, and members of the Piedmont community. This upcoming free COVID-19 mobile vaccine clinic is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 1 from 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. at the PMS Buzz Redford Gymnasium.