Piedmont cases bumped up three since Tuesday, from 207 to 210, as reported by the Alameda County Health Department on Friday, August 13.

Our vaccination rate remains enviable:

Your weekly reminder of the protective force of vaccines:

While the state issued a “vaccine or weekly testing” directive to public school teachers and staff this week, Los Angeles Unified School District on Friday went a step further by mandating that teachers and other school district staff be fully vaccinated by Oct. 15. Piedmont is requiring vaccination or twice weekly testing for the unvaccinated. At a school board meeting on Wednesday, Superintendent Randy Booker and the school board underscored the importance of vaccination in protecting the more than 1,000 TK – 6th grade students who are not yet eligible for the shots.
In other COVID news on Friday, a new study linked COVID cases to wildfire smoke. Read the report HERE.