Family: The Monicals: Heidi, Vince, and children Erica, David, and Max
Pet: Chelsea

Age: 12.5 years old
Breed: Golden retriever
Adoption Story: We got Chelsea from a breeder in Idaho. We surprised the kids on Christmas morning with her as a puppy with a red bow tied around her head. By far the best present ever!
Likes: Butter, nuts, and walks.
Dislikes: Unpeeled carrots, loud noises, and long car rides.
Heidi and Vince Monical with Chelsea
Interesting Facts: She barks at animals on the TV; she still whips her toys around at twelve and a half; she cheers along with us for our favorite sports teams by barking enthusiastically for touchdowns or three-pointers; and for some unknown reason our kids call her Geoff sometimes.
Anything else? Chelsea is a wonderful, sweet, but quirky dog. She is slowing down a bit but still acts like a puppy.
That’s a beautiful golden