Pups and their people love Piedmont’s parks, and this has been especially true in the pandemic when so many other activities have been limited. With the parks in such great demand, there have been an uptick in rumblings of dogs running off-leash where they shouldn’t be and complaints of overflowing waste containers. For anyone who needs a reminder, here are the rules, regulations and other logistics for dog ownership in Piedmont:
Tips for new Piedmont dog owners
- Licenses: Dog licenses are required for all dogs in Piedmont. They are required to be licensed at 4 months of age or within 10 days of ownership or bringing the animal into the City of Piedmont.
- Off-Leash Parks: To let your dog off leash in any off leash recreation area in Piedmont, you must have an Off-Leash Permit. This applies to both residents and non-residents. There are off-leash areas in Blair Park, Dracena Park, Linda Park, and Piedmont Park. All areas are designated by signs.
How to acquire dog licenses and off-leash permits:
- Dog licenses and off-leash permits can be acquired in person or by mail.
- In person: Visit the Piedmont Police Department on Wednesdays between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m or schedule an appointment by calling 510-420-3006. Please do not bring your dog to the police department.
- By mail*: Fill out this form to mail and include a current rabies vaccination certificate from your veterinarian, spay/neuter certificate, and check payable to the City of Piedmont to: Piedmont Police Department – Dog Registration, 403 Highland Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611

*For off-leash permits, non-residents must also include proof of a current dog license from their city of residence.
The article about the Piedmont Park and the grassy area is a big misconception. Dog owners are extremely responsible and make sure that they clean up waste after their dogs. And the trash cans are never over filled. I’ve been living here for over ten years and the trash bins never overfill nor have I ever stepped it any dog poo. In my opinion the leash law regarding that part of the park is a bunch of malarkey. People who complain do not like animals. Also I am handicapped I cannot get over to the Piedmont beach park because of the sidewalk not being taken care of properly, its at a slope that makes in dangerous for me use with my handicap device. I love the parks but as far as being handicapped I’m having a really hard time maneuvering.