City launches Fair Housing survey

Complete the community survey and “pin” new housing sites on the live Interactive Housing Map to win a $50 Mulberry’s gift card!

Visit the project website to participate in the Community Fair Housing Survey and to comment on the Interactive Housing Map. The online and interactive “pinnable” Housing Map gives Piedmont residents the chance to identify sites for new housing development, including sites for new affordable housing development. 

These on-line community planning tools will be open between March 12 and April 15, 2021.

3 thoughts on “City launches Fair Housing survey

  1. Piedmont has to add more than 500 units. How will our city do this? This survey helps us imagine what is possible. The example images provided allow us to give feedback on what we find un/favorable. I was pleasantly surprised by some of the design options. Excited to see where it goes.

  2. Higher density needs to be balanced with more open space. For example, if Blair Park is turned into housing, then the reservoir above it should be developed into park facilities. Open spaces that we can walk to will ensure that housing is not introduced at the expense of climate change.

  3. I took the survey today. While supportive of more flexibility in allowing higher densities are more housing opportunities, whoever put that survey together appears to have borrowed the survey questions from a much different city than Piedmont. Many of the questions dealt with opinions on future densities and designs for a variety of large apartment projects. There was no understanding that Piedmont is built out, and doesn’t have acres of vacant sites awaiting multifamily housing projects. I hate to think that we are paying a consultant a lot of money for such an inappropriate survey.

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