PEF was able to grant over $3 million to PUSD last year for use in the current school year. A full 63% of these funds were allocated to teacher and student support staff salaries to maintain PUSD’s low student/teacher ratio and keep our class sizes small.
PUSD’s wide variety of AP/Honors and elective courses were allocated an additional 13%. Additionally, Counselors and the Wellness Center were designated 13% of the funds throughout all grade levels. The 11% remaining funds books, technology and technology support, classroom supplies, libraries and librarians, integrated arts and music, and teacher and staff curriculum and professional development. PUSD reports back each year on the actual expenditures for each grant line item.
The Grants Committee of the Piedmont Education Foundation meets on several occasions each year to decide the best recommendations for the use of funds raised through the Giving Campaign and other PEF fundraising efforts. The Grants Committee is led by PEF board members and includes representatives from Parents Clubs, Support Groups, the PUSD administration, and other community members. The committee works to identify the most crucial programs in need of support and then allocates funds accordingly.