Our home values are linked to Piedmont’s historical reputation for excellent schools. That reputation is starting to falter as evidenced by the unexpected loss of 81 students from our school district this year. Once lost, it will take years to recover our reputation.
Titan is the School Board candidate who will add thoughtful management and responsible oversight to the School Board. Since 2013 he’s contributed over 500 hours of time which produced well-conceived recommendations that saved our schools and taxpayers MILLIONS of dollars.
Our current school board is disproportionately influenced by the unions and our country-club society. Board decisions are too often unanimous with little public deliberation and are often dismissive of thoughtful public input. Titan will return transparent governance to the school board.
My decision to vote for Titan is based on the content of his character and intellect. His experience as a businessman, mathematician, scientist, and STEM college professor brings valuable diversity and professional acumen to the board.
Membership on the school board should not be a popularity contest. Titan is the responsible candidate we need.