Event | The impact of racial segregation on Piedmont schools

Meghan Bennett

Diana Lee, one of the co-founders of Piedmont Racial Equity Campaign (PREC) speaking at a PREC event in Piedmont Park this summer.

Coloring Outside the (Red) Lines:  The Impact of Racial Segregation on Piedmont Schools and Where We Take It From Here

Join us for a discussion on how race and segregation have impacted Piedmont schools and explore the ways we can rebalance educational equity in our community and beyond. 

Event organized by the Piedmont Racial Equity Campaign. Co-sponsored by Piedmont Anti-Racism and Diversity Committee and the Piedmont Education Speaker Series

Date: Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020, 7 – 8:15 p.m

RSVP: Register here, Free admission

For more information: piedmontracialequity@gmail.com 


  • Stefan Lallinger: Director of the Bridges Collaborative, a group of experts in education, policy, and housing focused on integrated schools and neighborhoods. Previously, he was Special Assistant to the Chancellor of the NY Department of Education, a principal, teacher, and doctoral graduate from Harvard University. He follows in the footsteps of his grandfather, who represented in the landmark Supreme Court case, Brown v. Board of Education
  • Rebecca Sibilia: Founder of EdBuild, a national organization focused on rethinking state funding for public schools. EdBuild has generated national headlines and was cited in numerous presidential candidates’ platforms. 
  • Dorothy Lazard manages the Oakland History Room of the Oakland Public Library. She has hosted popular history programs, curated exhibits, and written articles with a focus on making the East Bay’s history accessible to a broader audience.

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